The admission requirements and procedures for the M.A. in Historical Studies program correspond to the requirements set forth by the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Applications, which should be submitted through the Graduate School, must include:
- The graduate admissions application form,
- A statement of academic goals and research interests which identifies the faculty members with whom you would most like to work,
- A Resume’ or CV,
- An undergraduate transcript,
- A 5-10 page sample of their academic or professional writing that demonstrates their writing, research, and analytical skills, and
- Three letters of recommendation that provide information about your potential as a scholar and your ability to engage in the academic work of history at the graduate level. (Candidates with questions or concerns regarding such letters are invited to consult with the Graduate Program Director well before the application deadline.).
The GRE is NOT required to apply to this program, though students are welcome to submit their results.
All applicants wishing to be considered for departmental funding (which may include a teaching or research assistantship, or any departmental funding not issued directly by the federal government) must check the relevant boxes under “Financial Assistance Information” in Section V of the application form.
The initial deadline for applications to the M.A. in Historical Studies program is February 15 of each year. Admissions will continue on a rolling basis until August.